Tech Students Stunned as Liberal Arts College Discovered on West Campus
Following up on a sighting of a copy of A Brief History of Southeast Asia at Highland Bakery on East Campus, the Georgia Tech Police Department is shocked to announce the discovery of a full-blown college for liberal arts present in the building on Marietta Street everyone just assumed was a memorial house for some rich donors. The news drew frustration and criticism from the School of Engineering, who were not pleased that institute resources and finances were being devoted to something “totally pointless and too easy to be a part of GT.” However, these concerns quickly turned to joy as people realized that the gender ratio of the liberal arts college sat at 70-30 the other way.
Said Alex Newton, 2nd-year Computer Science major: “International affairs? Is that like playing Civilization V in real life?”
Several students have already submitted their transfer applications, ecstatic about the prospects of taking classes instructing them how to cheat on their girlfriends with international women.
The Office of Student Diversity has begun an investigation into the geographic makeup of the population, noting that not a single student comes from outside Metro Atlanta. They did note, however, that students in the College of Liberal Arts seem to spend their time complaining about engineers attending meetings of College Democrats. The Business majors have voiced concerns regarding whether this discovery makes them the Hufflepuffs or the Gryffindors of campus. The rest of the student body was quick to push them down, confirming that they are, in fact, the Slytherins.
SCPC is currently in the process of planning a field trip to the up-and-coming area. Registration will be announced soon!
Disclaimer: This article is a work of satire. None of the events described below occurred in real life. None of the opinions expressed reflect those of Georgia Tech. There is no malice meant in the writing of this article and it's sole purpose is comedic effect.