1 year in: Things that The Crouton has somehow outlasted
On February 6, 2017, The Crouton was officially born when its first ever article was published here. It came into this world kicking, screaming, and with little logic to support its creation - much like the presidential aspirations of Donald Trump. Nevertheless, The Crouton has surpassed everyone’s wildest expectations and lasted an entire year. The following is a list of things that somehow didn’t have the staying power of Georgia Tech’s most legitimate source for fake news:

Started: February 10, 2017
Resigned: September 29, 2017
Tenure: 232 days or 0.63 Croutons

Started: January 20, 2017
Departed: August 18, 2017
Tenure: 155 days or 0.42 Croutons

Created: Two weeks before the game
Collapsed: After half-time
Existence: 2 weeks and half a football game

Started: July 25, 2017
Resigned: July 31, 2017
Tenure: 6 days or 0.02 Croutons

Started: August 20, 2017
Ended: First exam
Duration: 8 weeks, give or take

Started: January 20, 2017
Resigned: July 21, 2017
Tenure: 182 days or 0.49 Croutons
P.S. We miss you Spicey

Started: February 4, 2017
Ended: May 13, 2017
Duration: FOREVER. That shit will never die.

Purchased: January 29, 2018
Started growing mold: February 5, 2018
Time during which it was more or less edible, even if you’re sober: 7 days or 0.02 Croutons

Started: January 20, 2017
Resigned: July 31, 2017
Tenure: 192 days or 0.53 Croutons

Started: March 6, 2017
Resigned: May 30, 2017
Tenure: 85 days or 0.23 Croutons

Started: January 2, 2018 because she really needed a Bloody Mary on January 1st
Ended: January 3, 2018 because you can’t just skip Wine Wednesdays
Duration: About a million times longer than her boyfriend in bed (because fuck you Brad)

Started: January 20, 2017
Resigned: February 13, 2017
Tenure: 25 days or 0.07 Croutons